Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tips for Spring Cleaning!

       Nobody likes spring cleaning. This is a fact a life. I also refuse to believe it's a task that could be remotely enjoyable, despite what Martha Stewart may tell you. However, it can be an important step to getting clutter out of your life and taking a good look at what you actually have. So here are some tips that help me through this dreaded time of year....           

1) Determine the size of your situation - If you normally a neat person,then you're in luck and this shouldn't be too big an issue for you. However, if you're more like me an assessment of damages may need to be in order.

Be realistic, if you're whole apartment/house/dorm needs work don't expect to get it done in an hour. Pick a day you can actually dedicate to working through each room at your own pace.

2) Start small - If you try to take on every room in the house at once, you're not going to get anywhere. The key is not just to focus on one room at a time - but one part of each room (in my case usually the closet).By starting small you'll see the most real change in a short amount of time. Instead of cleaning randomly and feeling like the mess isn't going anywhere pick one closet and stick with it.
3a) DON'T HOARD!!! - This one's for people like me who will find any reason to keep old notebooks, readings from class, those movie ticket stubs etc., etc, etc. At the end of my semester abroad I realized the extent of my hoarding when I only had a few hours to pack all of my stuff and take it to the airport. It finally dawned on me - I have too much stuff. Under the pressure of a departing plane in my future, I was forced to take only what I needed. If something has genuine sentimental value then save it. Just avoid keeping things for the sake of keeping them, you'll save a lot of space that way.

3b) BE THOROUGH - For the opposite of the hoarder it may be tempting to just grab a pile of stuff and dump it in a trash bag - its quick and easy but also dangerous. At least skim the stuff you plan on throwing away or before you know it your social security card is going in the same bag as those old receipts.

4) Too Tight Ain't Right -  It doesn't matter how much you weight if your clothing is too tight you will not look good. If you are working to lose some extra weight, sure keep that dress you fit into last year. However, if you're like me and in your 20s please, please throw away that tube top you got when you were 15. If clothes are no longer age appropriate or if it just doesn't fit anymore, don't keep it. Fashion and metabolisms change, so save room in your closet for clothes that keep you looking good now.

Last but not least - the most important rule - One man's trash is another man's treasure. Just because you think your clothes are too old, stained, out of fashion, etc. does not mean it can't go to good use. There are so many people who could use the things we no longer need - so don't send it to the trash heap. There are many, many organizations who will take your old clothes and give them to families to need. Whether it's your local church or the salvation army, most places are even willing to go to you and pick up your stuff. Turn spring cleaning into a two-fold accomplishment - get your life organized and contribute to the lives of others.

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